Wednesday, April 30, 2014

case of the 'mondays'

Any fan of the movie Office Space will get the reference in my title.

I really shouldn't complain, since my office is a ballroom, and we get to be surrounded by music and dancing so much of the time.

But this is my blog, my little slice of life and I'm here to tell you the grass is not always greener. And while I am a lucky girl, and get to do something fun for my living it is absolutely still a job with stress and deadlines and other not-so-fun things. So today may be a calendar Tuesday, and tomorrow a calendar Wednesday, but with all the things that need doing and conversations that need having and feeling way behind I am declaring this my week of Mondays. I am open to having a case of them on all the days this whole week. On Saturday we have a short work event, and then the afternoon through the next real Monday will be play time. I am going to see a comedienne (Anjelah Johnson) Saturday night, you may have heard of her and if you haven't you need to watch this clip right now!

But until Saturday at around 2:30 pm, every day may feel like Monday. I am breathing, ducking, and smiling through the best I can.


  1. Better to acknowledge it than pretend it's friday afternoon and still be grumpy, I suppose.
    Have a blast at your show! I'm taking my wife to see Berlin saturday.

    1. Berlin?
      The city??!

    2. The band!!!
      I hope Terri Nunn still does that french fry crinkle thing with her hair!

    3. Right, choosing not to be grumpy has been working so far for me :)
      Sounds like your wife is as lucky as Matticus' Queen.
      I don't have much time so will check out the Berlin Link later
      PS, WE ARE HALFWAY THROUGH 'HUMPDAY' *does a happy dance*

    4. Why doesn't thursday have a special name?
      Someone should get on that...

    5. Thirsty Thursday and Throwback Thursday are Two I've heard of...
      but neither is as widely recognised as hump day. :)

  2. SHIT
    So Happy It's Thursday....
    I thought everyone knew that?

    1. Yeah, but I say that on More on Mondays.

      (And now we've come full circle!)


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