Wednesday, April 16, 2014


In February, I found myself in the most extraordinary house in a tiny German village called Denzlingen. I mean that in both the normal passive sense, that I literally traveled there but also in the more profound sense of finding and reconnecting to a deeper sense of self. I don't think I was lost before, exactly...but in a way I was disconnected from important aspects of my being.

Since my return, I have made a few adjustments...I am trying to be patient. It is not as easy as I'd hoped. I wish I hadn't lost my notes, but seeing the photos I took has helped a bit. I wish I had taken more pictures than I did, but I am trying also to remain connected to that self I rediscovered.

It is funny (strange not haha) how it is both comfortable and uncomfortable to slip back into the same role and same routine that was before. Comfortable only in the way that it is so familiar and we all know our lines. Uncomfortable because I have outgrown certain patterns so doing them feels awkward. Uncomfortable because there is more that is unknown.

I think I will choose to be uncomfortable for a little longer, because maybe I am still learning something valuable...

uncomfortable is not fun or relaxing...


  1. Uncomfortable is manageable though... as long as you recognize the source and don't turn your back on what it means.
    It is good to learn lessons, but not at the expense of losing yourself...
    And, maybe that is the lesson you are supposed to be learning right now?

    1. Insightful as always, Matticus.
      Something to consider carefully indeed...


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